Thursday, October 15, 2015

My Life

My name is Katelyn Cooper. I am 16. I love music, music is my life. Anyone who knows me associates me with music. I have grew up listening to older music. Def Leppard, Journey, and many more. Once I got to high school I branched out more with music. I found artists like The Rolling Stones and Nirvana.
One thing that's also very important to me is singing and piano. I have done plays since second grade. I am now in choir at my high school. My goal in life is to leave a mark here and to be known. I've always wanted to be a professional singer but I don't know if that course is right for me. 
Here in my blog though I want to express myself and my love for music. I hope you enjoys my views and opinions.

k a t

Insta: _katsmusic_